

 Last summer vacation, my family had a trip to Yen Bai by car of my father. It was quite a journey for me.    When the car started to go up the steep slopes, it hit an object that caused the car to start showing signs of instability, but at that time, my family was subjective, so we did not stop to check at that time but continued the journey. When we were close to Yen Bai city, me and my father felt the difference in the car, so we went down to see the situation. Unfortunately, one side of the tire hit a very large nail, which caused a hole in the tire and the possibility of no longer driving. Dad was very worried because he couldn't fix it by himself. Lucky for our family, there is a car repair shop about 1km away. We walked there to ask the owner to help us push the car to the place of repair.  Through this trip, our family has learned valuable lessons, we should not be subjective with all problems.


I do not dine in a restaurant very frequently. In fact, I prefer to eat homemade foods. However, there are some occasions when I prefer meeting people at a restaurant and like to taste the delicious menus the restaurants offer. One such restaurant is "Sen Tay Ho" that I really like and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to talk about a great restaurant where I enjoyed going to. I went to this restaurant a couple of weeks ago with my parents and siblings. The restaurant is located on a 12,000m2 campus in the west of Hanoi city we live in and it is almost 30 minutes drive from our home. The restaurant is located in Thuy Dinh campus, surrounded by lakes and lotus ponds.It was my younger sister’s birthday and we planned prior to the occasion to celebrate this special day outside. As part of our whole day plan, we ate "dinner" at this restaurant. My father also liked the way the restaurant offers an excellent dining experience at a moderately cheaper price. So


I am a shopaholic because shopping makes me extremely conformable. I can have a great time lifting my  mood when 1 feel sad or bored through shopping. I always buy clothes, accessories, or anything I want  at the supermarket or e-commerce exchange. On e-commerce   exchanges, I can browse and explore  many objects that If I don't buy, I won't feel awkward. My favorite website is Shopee because it has a  variety of items and is affordable. Due to the effects of the pandemic, I shop 80% online. I can buy  everything without leaving my home. I usually pay by credit card because is favorable and easy. I have  had one bad experience with online shopping. Last week, I bought a dress to give my uncle for his  birthday and it didn’t look like the one in the picture. I felt so disappointed and angry about it and I don't  have again for my uncle.  I often bargain in streets where there's no fixed price and things are sold at  price sellers and buyers agree on. However, I feel gre

UNIT 6: Clothing dos and don't

 I 'm a homely person and my dress style is quite simple so i don't like too colorful clothes. The school I attended is not too strict about dress code However, I often wear long pants and a T-shirts.When I go out with friends or stay at home I often wear comfortable clothes like shorts, T-shirts and dress.    Sometimes I go with my mother to buy clothes for me .Because I like comfortable clothes so the formal costumes make me uncomfortable.However, I still need to wear formal clothes when going to school and important  parties.                                                             That’s my way of dressing. And you ? 

Write about your favorite means of transportation

My favorite form of transportation is bus. Although it has a few disadvantages, I still like it because of these advantages. First, bus is very cheap and suits for everybody. Second, using bus is very convenient. Nowadays,buses are equipped air-conditioner and free wifi in order to service customer. Imaging in rush hour, a thousand of people get stuck outside with a freaking hot weather,you inside a bus enjoy air conditioner and surf Facebook. Third, besides a low cost, the convenience, it also contributes to protecting the environment. Going by public transportation can lessen the number of cars on street, and thus reduce carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere. In conclusion, going by bus has many benefits for us and for society.

UNIT 5: Shopping for clothes

  Write about your favorite clothes shop where you often go to buy clothes Like many people, I go shopping on a regular basis. Sometimes, I go shopping for fun. In this essay, I will write about my favorite clothing store where I usually go to buy clothes.  My mother and I often go to AEON Ha Dong shopping mall. Probably the place we visit the most is the MLB. In MLB's store sells a lot of things, they have a wide variety of clothes, hats and shoes. My mom and I have used many MLB products and found them to be very good quality for the price we paid.  The store's employees are also very friendly and happy to welcome us. My mom and I really love this store and we will still come back to shop here in the future.

TOPIC 4: Describe vacation experiences

 My best friend and I often organize outings together. In the summer 2 years ago when we had just graduated from middle school, we decided to hang out in Tam Dao.  We meet at 7am to prepare for departure. We share a motorbike. Since we are going to have a BBQ on it, the meat and other foods are already marinated the day before. We walked and sang our favorite songs.The road from the city to Tam Dao is not too difficult. When it comes to the part of the mountain, there are not too many hills or bad terrain, but there are many small and quite steep roads. So we need to be very careful. After about 2 hours by car we arrived. Me and my friend decided to rent a pretty famous homstay there.  After resting because we were tired from the road, we had a barbecue together in the garden of the homstay. We talked about a lot of things together and took a lot of pictures together. This trip has made our friendship stronger.